Milestone birthdays vary from culture to culture and remind us of important life achievements that are worth celebrating. Whether it is a first birthday celebration or 21st, these birthdays are often celebrated and looked forward to by your loved ones. We’re going to show you how birthday yard signs could help you celebrate this special occasion!

For example, in the United States, many people celebrate their 16th birthday with a coming-of-age ceremony or party. This is because in the United States, 16 is the legal age to get a driver’s license. Some view a baby’s first birthday is more important than any other milestone birthday because it marks the baby’s first year of life and is therefore a cause for celebration.

Why are Milestone Birthdays Special?

Milestone birthdays are important because they give us a chance to reflect on our lives and celebrate our accomplishments. They also remind us of how far we’ve come and how much we’ve grown. milestone birthdays can be a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate or a time for introspection and contemplation. 

Milestone birthdays include 1st birthdays, 10th, 16th, 18th, 21st and each new decade after that! These are often times the birthdays we tend to celebrate in the largest ways! At Days 2 Remember, we believe every birthday we celebrate is momentous and we are grateful that so many people have chosen us to help them celebrate their most important years! 

Milestone birthdays are cherished and looked at as a way to reflect on your life so far, celebrate what you have accomplished so far and look forward to what your future has in store 

Our Milestone Birthday Yard Signs

1st Birthday 

1st Birthday Milestone Yard Signs

10th Birthday

10th Birthday Yard Card

16th Birthday 

Sweet 16 Birthday Lawn Sign

 16th Birthday Yard Sign

18th Birthday Yard Sign

18th Birthday Milestone Yard Card

21st Birthday Yard Sign

21st Birthday Milestone Yard Card

‘Decade Milestones’ Birthday Yard Signs

70th Happy Birthday Yard Card

60th Birthday Yard Card

90th Birthday Yard Sign

Your loved one will cherish the memories made celebrating these special days! Often times people will not remember specifics of each birthday, most people will remember how the celebrated the “big ones”! 

Other than being a pleasant surprise to wake up to on your special day, a customized yard sign creates a perfect photo opportunity and pictures that will last a lifetime! 

Family members always have an excellent reaction and its an affordable way to show you care! Designing a yard sign for your loved ones based on their hobbies, likes or interests at the time shows that you pay attention to the little things about them and took the time to think of them and plan a surprise ahead of time!

Days 2 Remember services areas in NJ, PA and DE! Visit our Birthday Yard Sign Page Today. We work with you to design a customizable yard sign based on your preferences! 

In the meantime, what are some of your favorite milestone birthday traditions?

Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page!